I’ve been away from daily classroom life for awhile now. But in the fall, all that changes as I slowly dip my toes back into teaching through a maternity leave sub position. I can’t tell you how excited I am. Every time I entered into a bookstore and browse, I thought about how I could use these books in a classroom with kids. I have bought many a title with the disclaimer “when I go back, I’ll use this.” So without further ado, my picture book ten for ten are the 10 books I am bringing into the classroom with me to use the first week of school! My first ten read alouds!
I want to use this book by Stacy Mcanulty to have students start to write about themselves!
This book, aside from being funny and delightful, will be used to start thinking about what kind of classroom community we want to create.
Piggybacking off of my number 2 book, this title will help continue the conversation about community and empathy.
I love this quiet simple book, it will help us to learn about each other and our names and where they come from with this story.
I believe in reading out loud every day. I also believe in writing every day. This mentor text will help supper both of those beliefs!
I like students to think about themselves and all the different roles they take on during the school day, scientists being an important one!
So much we could do with this book. Inflection, punctuation, how to read pictures, how pictures affect how we read a book. I read this to my pre-reading son over vacation and immediately he took it and started to read it out loud on his own, trying out different ways to read the word DUDE!
We all need quiet sometimes. I was able to pick this up early at our local art museum as they have a display of dePaola’s work. It won’t be released until October!!
I love this book to start exploring other places besides the one we live in. Books connect us to others and this one is an excellent example of how to do that.
I read this one to the class already when they had a Move Up day in the spring. They’ve already heard it. But the power of rereading is magical. I can’t wait to see what they notice about this text this time around.
Thanks for checking out my first ten read alouds! Counting down to the first day of school.